Release notes for the unstable release of 3.6.0-rc.1
Duet3D Release Notes for 3.6.0-rc.1
Please see the Duet3D release notes for 3.6.0-rc.1 to see whats new and what has been fixed
RepRapFirmware for STM32F4 and STM32H7 Release Notes for 3.6.0-rc.1
- Duet3d 3.6.0-rc.1
- New Can capable bootloaders for H7 boards
- Allow update of expansion mode boards over can without an SD card
- Allow CAN address of expansion mode to be changed
- Improve speed of expansion mode firmware updates over CAN
- Various fixes to board configs
- Use diag LED during firmware updates
- Fix bug with initial reading from probes on expansion boards