General information regarding the Fly-ProX10 H723


This page covers any general information for the Fly-ProX10 H723 board.
It is currently available through AliExpress.
Although the board comes with a socket for a CM4 module, this board can’t be used in SBC mode with RRF due to lack of required connections between the CM4 and the STM32H723 MCU.
The correct SD Card socket to use with RRF is the one next to the STM32H723 MCU.

Driver Power

Make sure you install a jumper for each driver to denote where they are powered from, i.e. either from the HVIN connector or the VIN connector.

Driver Diag Pin

Each board has a jumper for the diag pin just beneath the driver socket. This needs to be installed to use sensorless homing and stall detection.
Please also note the diag pin for driver 9 is shared with the probe pin on the BLTouch header. The remainder of the diag pins are shared with the IO connectors.

Fan Mosfets

The Fly-ProX10 H723 has a unique feature in that the fan mosfets are replaceable. Each mosfet (VS3622e) controls two of the fan outputs. The orientation that the fan mostfet is plugged into the board doesn’t matter.

Fly-ProX10 Fan Mosfets
Fly-ProX10 Fan Mosfets

Fan Voltage

The fan voltage can be set using jumpers to either 5v, 12v and Vin.
Set them as shown below.

Fly-ProX10 Fan Voltage
Fly-ProX10 Fan Voltage

IO Output Voltage

The IO output voltage can be set to either 5v or 12v and is set using the 3 pin header underneath each IO.

Fly-ProX10 IO Voltage
Fly-ProX10 IO Voltage

Maximum HV Input voltage

The driver sockets have been tested with 48v.

Thermistor Connection

Thermistors should use the ADC inputs. The thermistors should be connected between ground and the signal pin.

Initial Installation

The board that you will receive doesn’t have any firmware installed so when plugged into a computer, the board will show as an unidentified device. Follow the WiFi instructions.
