This page covers any general information for the board, which is supported from 3.3.0_11.
The is available from AliExpress
Driver Jumpers
The jumpers should be installed as below. “SPI mode Interpolation” is supported for TMC5160 drivers. “UART mode Interpolation” should be used when using smart drivers (i.e. TMC2208, TMC2209, TMC2225 and TMC2226)

Driver Diag Pin
If you want to use sensorless homing, a jumper needs adding next to each appropriate endstop as shown below.

Driver Voltage
The jumpers for each driver should be configured as below if you want to power them from VIN (12/24v).

The jumpers for each driver should be configured as below if you want to power them from the MOT-PWR input (up to 60v).

Fan Voltage
The fan outputs can each be set to 5v, 12v or VCC.
To set them 5v, set the jumpers as below.

To set them 12v, set the jumpers as below.

To set them VCC, set the jumpers as below.

Initial Installation
Follow the WiFi instructions or SBC instructions