How to connect the Fly-ProX10 H723 to a CAN-FD Expansion board


The Fly-ProX10 H723 can be connected to any of the CAN-FD expansion boards produced by Duet3D (or cloned by Fysetc) as well as another STM32H743 or STM32H723 board running in expansion board mode. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Duet 3 6HC (in expansion board mode - M954)
  • Duet 3 6XD (in expansion board mode - M954)
  • Duet 3 Mini 5+ (in expansion board mode - M954)
  • Fysetc Big Dipper (in expansion board mode - M954)
  • Another STM32H723 board (in expansion board mode - M954)
  • Another STM32H743 board (in expansion board mode - M954)
  • Duet 3 1XD
  • Duet 3 3HC
  • Duet 3 1HCL
  • Duet 3 1LC
  • Duet 3 Distribution Board
  • Sammy-C21

How to connect the board

CAN-FD only requires 2 wires to be connected between each board, CAN-H and CAN-L.
We recommend using stranded twisted wire pairs, such as those found in ethernet patch cables.

Using the Fly-RRF-36 as example, the yellow wire on the CAN-FD cable is the CAN-H wire and the white is the CAN-L wire. They should be connected to the two CAN pins near the WiFi module on the Fly-ProX10 H723. CAN-H is connected to CAN-H and CAN-L is connected to CAN-L.
