Fly produce two screens which are suitable for RepRapFirmware. There is a 4.3” version and a 7” version.
They are currently available through AliExpress
The following line should be added to your config.g
M575 P1 S0 B57600
The hardware information for the 4.3” screen can be found here
If you have purchased the Marlin version it is easy to convert it to a Duet version, just follow the update instructions below.
Updating a 4.3 inch screen
To update the firmware on your screen, download the update.img file from here.
Put the file into the root of a FAT32 formatted card and install it in the screen. You should then be prompted to install the update.
Once finished, remove the SD card and power cycle the screen.
The hardware information for the 7” screen can be found here
If you have purchased the Marlin version it is easy to convert it to a Duet version, just follow the update instructions below.
Updating a 7 inch screen
To update the firmware on your screen, download the update.img file from here.
Put the file into the root of a FAT32 formatted card and install it in the screen. You should then be prompted to install the update.
Once finished, remove the SD card and power cycle the screen.