Alternative connection of an ESP32 to a Fly-407ZG to allow SPI controlled drivers to be installed


The below describes an alternative method of connecting an ESP32 to the Fly-407ZG. This alternative modification provides 2 advantages.

  • SPI controlled drivers (TMC5160) can be used
  • Both RRF updating of the ESP32 and serial displays can be used at the same time

This will involve soldering some cables to the board.


  • 1 x ESP32 adapter (information available here will be suitable)
  • Some cable

Connecting the Adapter

This example uses the Fly WiFi Adapter.

Cables to solder to the Fly-407ZG

11 cables are to be soldered to the board. 6 of these are on the onboard ESP pads, 3 to the eeprom and MAX6675 connections and 2 to EXP1.

Connect the 6 cables to the Fly-407ZG as shown below

Fly-407ZG 6 cables

Connect the 3 cables to the Fly-407ZG as shown below

Fly-407ZG 3 cables

Connect the 2 cables to the Fly-407ZG as shown below

Fly-407ZG 2 cables

Cables to solder to the Adapter

The 11 cables soldered to the Fly-407ZG then need to be attached to the adapter.
2 of the 11 cables should be attached as shown below. The RX cable from the Fly-407ZG should be connected to the TX pad on the adapter and the TX cable from the Fly-407ZG should be connected to the RX pad on the adapter.

Adapter cables 1

The remainder of the cables are to be connected to the adapter as shown below.

Adapter cables remainder

Board.txt Changes

The following changes should be made to the board.txt file

//ESP32 Settings
SPI2.pins={ PB_3, PB_4, PB_5 }
8266wifi.espDataReadyPin = PB_7
8266wifi.lpcTfrReadyPin = PB_6
8266wifi.espResetPin = PA_4
8266wifi.csPin = PG_15
serial.aux.rxTxPins = { PA_10, PA_9 }
8266wifi.serialRxTxPins = { PG_9, PG_14 }


