This page covers any general information for the AFC-Lite V1.0 H723 board.
It is currently available through many online shops and AliExpress. It is also supplied as part of the LDO AFC kits.
The AFC-Lite V1.0 is compatible with both Duet 3 boards and STM32H723, STM32H743 and STM32F4 boards with spican modules running 3.6.0-RC1 and above.
CAN Termination
If using a single toolboard/expansion board, make sure the CAN jumper is installed, as indicated on the pinout.
If using multiple toolboards/expansion boards, only the last toolboard should have a CAN jumper installed.
The AFC-Lite board is only compatible with UART drivers.
As the LDO kit is supplied with 2209 drivers, the firmware is permanently setup for 2209 driver support only.
Initial Installation
The board that you will receive doesn’t have any bootloader or firmware installed so when plugged into a computer, the board will show as an unidentified device. Follow the bootloader installation instructions.