Details of each item that can be configured in Board.txt and which build they are applicable to
Important: This page is only applicable to STM32 based boards. For LPC applicable board.txt entries, please go to this page.
Below is a list of items that can be configured using the /sys/board.txt file.
Anything entered in the board.txt file takes precidence over what is set in the firmware.
For STM32 boards, pins can take the form of PA0, PA.0, PA_0, A0, A.0 or A_0 or the pin name.
Item Name | Example | Description | STM32 Comments |
wifi.clockReg (was 8266wifi.clockReg) | wifi.clockReg = 8195 | Sets the WiFi clock speed.ESP32 only. The default is 8195 (DMA 20MHz - Typical WiFi transfer speed of 1.56Mbytes/S for F4 and 1.63Mbytes/S for H7). F4 processors seem to work ok at 8194 (DMA 27MHz - Typical WiFi transfer speed of 1.80Mbytes/S for F4 and 1.92Mbytes/S for H7) and H7 processors (but not F4) seem to work ok at 8193 (DMA 40MHz - Typical WiFi transfer speed of 2.43Mbytes/S for H7). 3.4.1 onwards and requires DuetWifiServer 1.26_09 onwards | |
wifi.csPin (was 8266wifi.csPin) | wifi.csPin = PE_12 | Allow use of non standard CS pin | |
wifi.espDataReadyPin (was 8266wifi.espDataReadyPin) | example wifi.espDataReadyPin = PE_13 | used to indicate that data is available from the ESP8266 | |
wifi.espResetPin (was 8266wifi.espResetPin) | wifi.espResetPin = PE_15 | This sets the reset pin to use when connecting an ESP8266 | |
wifi.moduleType (was 8266wifi.moduleType) | wifi.moduleType = esp32 | This sets the type of module installed so the correct firmware is installed. esp32, esp32eth and esp8266 are valid options | |
wifi.TfrReadyPin (was 8266wifi.TfrReadyPin) | wifi.TfrReadyPin = PE_14 | This sets the transfer ready pin when connecting an ESP8266 | |
wifi.serialRxTxPins (was 8266wifi.serialRxTxPins) | wifi.serialRxTxPins = { PD_9, PD_8 } | This sets the pin numbers to use for RX and TX when connecting an ESP8266. See table below for allowable RX and TX pins | |
wifi.spiChannel (was 8266wifi.spiChannel) | wifi.spiChannel=1 | This allows the SPI channel to be set that is used for WiFi. The default is 1. It can only be set to channel 1 (SPI2) or channel 2 (SPI3). From 3.3rc2_2 only | |
accelerometer.spiChannel | accelerometer.spiChannel = 4 | This sets the SPI channel to be used for the accelerometer. From 3.3b3_2 onwards | |
atx.initialPowerOn | atx.initialPowerOn = 1 | This sets the ATX power pin as on as soon as the board powers up rather than having to wait for M80 to be ran. The default is true | |
atx.powerPin | atx.PowerPin = PB_12 | This sets the pin to be used for controlling an ATX power supply | |
atx.powerPinInverted | atx.powerPinInverted = 0 | Some ATX power supplies are active low for off and some are active high. This allows that to be set. Use either 0 or 1 | |
board (“lpc.board” is no longer supported from 3.4.1_RC1) | board = fly_e3 | This sets the board short name | |
board.longName | board.longName = Fly E3 STM32F4 | This sets the long name of the board used by DWC | |
can.csPin | can.csPin = PD_1 | Sets the CS pin when using an SPI2CANFD module | |
can.exp.address | can.exp.address = 119 | Sets the CAN address to use when a mainboard is in expansion board mode | From 3.6.0-RC1 onwards |
can.readPin | can.readPin = PD_1 | This sets the CAN_TX pin | |
can.spiChannel | can.spiChannel = 1 | This sets the CAN_TX pin | |
can.spiFrequencyHz | can.spiFrequencyHz = PD_1 | This sets SPI frequency for the SPI2CANFD module in Hz. The default is 15000000 | |
can.writePin | can.writePin = PD_1 | This sets the CAN_RX pin | |
heat.spiTempSensorChannel | heat.spiTempSensorChannel = 255 | this selects which SPI channel is used to communicate with the temperature sensor board. Can be set to 255 to indicate no channel to be used | STM32F4 has six SPI interfaces (three channels 0, 1, 2 are hardware based although only 0 and 1 are implemented, channels 3, 4 and 5 are software). STM32H7 has nine SPI interfaces (0, 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8 are hardware and 3, 4 and 5 are software) |
heat.spiTempSensorCSPins | heat.spiTempSensorCSPins = { PD_15, NoPin } | Sets the SPI temperature sensor chip select pin. Can be set to 255 to indicate no channel to be used | STM32 accepts a maximum of 2 sensors |
heat.tempSensePins | heat.tempSensePins = { PA_3, PA_4, PA_1 } | Sets the temperature sensor pins starting with the bed | STM32 accepts a maximum of 9 entries |
heat.thermistorSeriesResistor | heat.thermistorSeriesResistor = 4700 | Sets the series resistor used for temperature sensors. The default is 4700. From 3.4.1 onwards | |
lcd.encoderPinA | lcd.encoderPinA = BTN_EN1 | Sets the pin for connection A of the encoder | |
lcd.encoderPinB | lcd.encoderPinB = BTN_EN2 | Sets the pin for connection B of the encoder | |
lcd.encoderPinSw | lcd.encoderPinSw = BTN_ENC | Sets the pin to be used for the encoder click | |
lcd.lcdBeepPin | lcd.lcdBeepPin = BEEP | Sets the pin to be used to control the display beeper | |
lcd.lcdCSPin | lcd.lcdCSPin = LCD_EN | Sets the LCD chip select pin | |
lcd.lcdDCPin | lcd.lcdDCPin = LCD_RS | Sets the data control pin (A0) | |
lcd.panelButtonPin | lcd.panelButtonPin = PD_4 | For use when a connected display has an extra button | |
lcd.spiChannel | lcd.spiChannel = 255 | This selects which SPI channel is used to communicate with the LCD. Can be set to 255 to indicate no channel to be used | STM32F4 has six SPI interfaces (three channels 0, 1, 2 are hardware based although only 0 and 1 are implemented, channels 3, 4 and 5 are software). STM32H7 has nine SPI interfaces (0, 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8 are hardware and 3, 4 and 5 are software) |
led.neopixelPin | led.neopixelPin = PB_11 | This sets the output pin for neopixel control | no longer needed with the new way of programming neopixels |
leds.activity | leds.activity = PA_13 | This sets the pin for the CAN-FD activity LED | 3.4.2-RC2 Onwards |
leds.activityOn | leds.activityOn = 1 | This sets polarity of acivity LED and is a boolean value | 3.4.2-RC2 Onwards |
leds.diagnostic | leds.diagnostic = PA_13 | This would set the correct pin for controlling a diagnostic LED | |
leds.diagnosticOn | leds.diagnosticOn = 1 | This sets polarity of diag LED and is a boolean value | 3.4.2-RC2 Onwards |
pins.SetHigh | pins.SetHigh = { PA_3, PA_4, PA_1 } | This would set all the named pins as a high output on boot. It accepts up to 16 values | 3.4.2-RC2 Onwards |
pins.SetLow | pins.SetLow = { PA_3, PA_4, PA_1 } | This would set all the named pins as a low output on boot. Can be used for making sure that CS pins are in a safe state. It accepts up to 16 values | 3.4.2-RC2 Onwards |
power.VInDetectPin | power.VInDetectPin = PC_3 | Sets the pin to use for voltage monitoring | |
power.voltage | power.voltage = 24 | Sets a voltage when no voltage monitoring is present on the board | |
sbc.csPin | sbc.csPin = PE_12 | Allow use of non standard CS pin | |
sbc.loadConfig | sbc.loadConfig = 1 | Load the board.txt from the SBC if board.txt is present on an SD card in the STM32 board | |
sbc.sbcMode | sbc.sbcMode=1 | Put the firmware into SBC mode. | 3.5.0-RC4 Onwards |
sbc.spiChannel | sbc.spiChannel = 1 | This allows the SPI channel to be set that is used for SBC. The default is 1. It can only be set to channel 1 (SPI2) or channel 2 (SPI3). From 3.3rc2_2 only | |
sbc.TfrReadyPin (“sbc.lpcTfrReadyPin” is no longer supported from 3.4.1_RC1) | sbc.TfrReadyPin = C.14 | This sets the transfer ready pin when attaching an SBC | |
sdCard.external.cardDetectPin | externalSDCard.cardDetectPin = LCD_CD | Sets the external SD card detect pin | |
sdCard.external.csPin | externalSDCard.csPin = PA_0 | Sets the external SD card chip select pin | |
sdCard.external.spiChannel | sdCard.external.spiChannel = 255 | this selects which one is used for the external SD card, can also be set to 255 to indicate no channel is used | |
sdCard.external.spiFrequencyHz | sdCard.external.spiFrequencyHz = 4000000 | Sets the SPI speed for an external SD card in Hz | |
sdCard.internal.spiFrequencyHz | sdCard.internal.spiFrequencyHz = 4000000 | Sets the SPI speed for the internal SD card in Hz | |
sdCard.internal.type | sdCard.internal.type = 0 | This sets the SD card type on the board. 0 = SD_SPI1_A, 1 = SD_SPI1_B, 2 = SD_SDIO, 3 = SD_SPI3_A, 4 = SD_SPI3_B, 5 = SD_SPI2_A, 254 = SD_UNKNOWN and 255 = SD_NONE | 3.5.0-RC4 Onwards |
serial.aux.rxTxPins | serial.aux.rxTxPins = { PA_10, PA_9 } | This sets the pin numbers to use for RX and TX on AUX1. Typically uses UART0. See table below for allowable RX and TX pins | |
serial.aux2.rxTxPins | serial.aux2.rxTxPins = { PC_7, PC_6 } | This sets the pin numbers to use for RX and TX on AUX2. Typically uses UART2. See table below for allowable RX and TX pins | |
SPI0.pins | SPI0.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 0 - 3.2_7 Onwards | Hardware - Not Configurable |
SPI1.pins | SPI1.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 1 - 3.2_7 Onwards | Hardware - Not Configurable |
SPI2.pins | SPI2.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 2 - 3.2_7 Onwards | Hardware - Not Configurable |
SPI3.pins | SPI3.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 3 - 3.2_7 Onwards | Software |
SPI4.pins | SPI4.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 4 - 3.2_7 Onwards | Software |
SPI5.pins | SPI5.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 5 - 3.2_7 Onwards | Software |
SPI6.pins | SPI6.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 6 - 3.4.1-RC1 Onwards | STM32H7 Only - Hardware |
SPI7.pins | SPI7.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 7 - 3.4.1-RC1 Onwards | STM32H7 Only - Hardware |
SPI8.pins | SPI8.pins = { PA_5, PA_6, PA_7 } | Sets the SPI pins in the order SCK, MISO, MOSI for Channel 8 - 3.4.1-RC1 Onwards | STM32H7 Only - Hardware |
stepper.directionPins | stepper.directionPins = { PD_3, PA_8, PE_3, PD_14, PD_10 } | Sets the driver direction pins in the order 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on | STM32 supports a maximum of 11 drivers |
stepper.DriverType | stepper.DriverType = {Tmc2208, Tmc2240, tmc2209, tmc5160, stepdir} | This sets of the type of driver in each slot and is an array | 3.5.0-RC1 onwards |
stepper.enablePins | stepper.enablePins = { PD_6, PD_1, PE_0, PC_7, PD_13 } | Sets the driver enable pins in the order 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on | STM32 supports a maximum of 11 drivers |
stepper.numSmartDrivers | stepper.numSmartDrivers = 3 | Sets the number of TMC22XX drivers installed between 1 and 11. Drivers must be installed from drive 0 after 5160 drivers | |
stepper.num5160Drivers | stepper.num5160Drivers = 3 | Sets the number of TMC22XX drivers installed between 1 and 11. Drivers must be installed from drive 0 before 22XX drivers | |
stepper.spiChannel | stepper.spiChannel = 3 | Sets the SPI channel to use for 5160 drivers | |
stepper.stepPins | stepper.stepPins = { PD_4, PA_15, PE_2, PD_15, PD_11 } | Sets the driver step pins in the order 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on | STM32 supports a maximum of 11 drivers |
stepper.TmcDiagPins | stepper.TmcDiagPins = { PC_1, PC_3, PC_0, PC_2, PA_0 } | Sets the stall detection diag pins. Typically same pin as the endstop pin | |
stepper.TmcUartPins | stepper.TmcUartPins = { PD_5, PD_0, PE_1, PC_6, PD_12 } | Sets the pin numbers used for communications with TMC22XX drivers using a UART interface | STM32 supports a maximum of 11 drivers |
board Types
Current preprogrammed boards
Variable | Board | Type |
biqugtr_1.0 | SKR GTR v1.0 | STM32F4 |
biqukraken_h723 | BTT Kraken | STM32H723 |
biqoctopus_1.1 | BTT Octopus v1.1 f439 Version | STM32F4 |
biqoctopuspro_1.0 | BTT Octopus Pro v1.0 f439 Version | STM32F4 |
biqoctopuspro_1.1 | BTT Octopus Pro v1.1 | STM32H723 |
biquoctopus_x7 | BTT Octopus X7 | STM32F4 |
biquskr_2.0 | SKR v2.0 | STM32F4 |
biquskr_3 | SKR3 | STM32H743 |
biquskr_3_h723 | SKR3 | STM32H723 |
biquskr_3_ez | SKR3 Ez | STM32H743 |
biquskr_3_ez_h723 | SKR Ez | STM32H723 |
biquskr_rrf_e3_1.0 | SKR RRF E3 v1.0 | STM32F4 |
biquskrpro_1.1 | SKR Pro v1.1 and 1.2 | STM32F4 |
fly_407zg | Fly-407ZG | STM32F4 |
fly_cdyv2 | Fly-CDYv2 | STM32F4 |
fly_cdyv3 | Fly-CDYv3 | STM32F4 |
fly_E3 | Fly-E3 | STM32F4 |
fly_E3_v2 | Fly-E3-v2 | STM32F4 |
fly_E3_pro | Fly-E3-Pro | STM32F4 |
fly_E3_prov3 | Fly-E3-Pro-v3 | STM32F4 |
fly_gemini | Fly-Gemini | STM32F4 |
fly_geminiv1.1 | Fly-Gemini V1.1 | STM32F4 |
fly_geminiv2.0 | Fly-Gemini V2.0 | STM32F4 |
fly_geminiv3.0 | Fly-Gemini V3.0 | STM32F4 |
fly_super5_h723 | Fly-Super5Pro | STM32H723 |
fly_super8 | Fly-Super8 | STM32F4 |
fly_super8h7 | Fly-Super8-Pro | STM32H743 |
fly_super8_pro_h723 | Fly-Super8-Pro | STM32H723 |
fysetc_spider | Fysetc Spider 407 Version | STM32F4 |
fysetc_spider_king407 | Fysetc Spider King 407 | STM32F4 |
generic | maps all pins as available by pin number. Not recommended for normal use | |
troodon_v2 | Board used in the Troodon V2 Printer | STM32F4 |
UART Useable Pins - STM32F4 Based Boards
There are 6 UARTS and each can use a selection of pins. You can mix and match pins in the same UART number e.g. PD_2 and PC_12.
Pin Number | UART Number | RX/TX |
PA_9 | UART1 | TX |
PD_8 | UART3 | TX |
PC_6 | UART6 | TX |
PG_14 | UART6 | TX |
PB_6 | UART1 | TX |
PA_2 | UART2 | TX |
PD_5 | UART2 | TX |
PB_10 | UART3 | TX |
PC_10 | UART3 | TX |
PA_0 | UART4 | TX |
PC_10 | UART4 | TX |
PC_12 | UART5 | TX |
PA_10 | UART1 | RX |
PD_9 | UART3 | RX |
PC_7 | UART6 | RX |
PA_1 | UART4 | RX |
PA_3 | UART2 | RX |
PB_7 | UART1 | RX |
PB_11 | UART3 | RX |
PC_11 | UART4 | RX |
PC_11 | UART3 | RX |
PD_2 | UART5 | RX |
PD_6 | UART2 | RX |
PG_9 | UART6 | RX |
UART Useable Pins - STM32H7 Based Boards
There are 8 UARTS and each can use a selection of pins. You can mix and match pins in the same UART number e.g. PD_2 and PC_12.
Pin Number | UART Number | RX/TX |
PA_0 | UART4 | TX |
PA_2 | UART2 | TX |
PA_9 | UART1 | TX |
PA_12 | UART4 | TX |
PA_15 | UART7 | TX |
PB_4 | UART7 | TX |
PB_6 | UART5 | TX |
PB_6 | UART1 | TX |
PB_9 | UART4 | TX |
PB_10 | UART3 | TX |
PB_13 | UART5 | TX |
PB_14 | UART1 | TX |
PC_6 | UART6 | TX |
PC_10 | UART4 | TX |
PC_10 | UART3 | TX |
PC_12 | UART5 | TX |
PD_1 | UART4 | TX |
PD_5 | UART2 | TX |
PD_8 | UART3 | TX |
PE_1 | UART8 | TX |
PE_8 | UART7 | TX |
PF_7 | UART7 | TX |
PG_14 | UART6 | TX |
PA_1 | UART4 | RX |
PA_3 | UART2 | RX |
PA_8 | UART7 | RX |
PA_10 | UART1 | RX |
PA_11 | UART4 | RX |
PB_3 | UART7 | RX |
PB_5 | UART5 | RX |
PB_7 | UART1 | RX |
PB_8 | UART4 | RX |
PB_11 | UART3 | RX |
PB_12 | UART5 | RX |
PB_15 | UART1 | RX |
PC_7 | UART6 | RX |
PC_11 | UART4 | RX |
PC_11 | UART3 | RX |
PD_0 | UART4 | RX |
PD_2 | UART5 | RX |
PD_6 | UART2 | RX |
PD_9 | UART3 | RX |
PE_0 | UART8 | RX |
PE_7 | UART7 | RX |
PF_6 | UART7 | RX |
PG_9 | UART6 | RX |