How to flash RRF to the AFC-Lite V1.0 H723


This page covers how to reflash RRF on a AFC-Lite V1.0.


These instructions cover flashing with Windows using the STM32CubeProgrammer software. It is possible to use other software, such as DFU-Utils on linux, but they aren’t covered here. You will have to register to be able to download the software.

Connection via DFU

While holding down the BOOT, plug in the USB cable into the board and PC.


Launch the STM32CubeProgrammer Software.
Download either the Stable firmware file called firmware_afclite1_h723.bin from here or the latest beta/RC firmware file called firmware_afclite1_h723.bin from here.

Select the correct connection method, in this instance its “USB”. You may need to click the refesh button to find it. Then click connect.

Connect via USB

Then click on the “+” icon and find/open the bootloader file you downloaded earlier.

Open File

Set the download address to 0x08020000 by clicking the downward pointing arrow next to the Download button.

change address

Click the “Download” button.

Download Bootloader to the board

A “File Download Complete” popup will appear once complete.

Download Complete

Disconnect the board.

The AFC-Lite V1.0 can now be connected to an RRF mainboard. Please see the CAN-FD Connection Page.

Subsequent firmware updates can be done over CAN-FD.
