Driver timings required for certain drivers

Some drivers (such as the DRV8825) require specifying the timing information as they require longer pulse timings than the configured default that can result in missed steps. Timing information for stepper drivers can be added using M569. Timing information can usually be found in the stepper driver data sheets.

Timings for drivers can be found below. These are to be configured as part of the config.g file.

Driver Type Timing Example
A4982 1.0:1.0:0.2:0.2 M569 P0 S0 T1.0:1.0:0.2:0.2
A4988 1.0:1.0:0.2:0.2 M569 P0 S0 T1.0:1.0:0.2:0.2
A5984 1.0:1.0:0.4:0.4 M569 P0 S0 T1.0:1.0:0.4:0.4
DRV8825 1.9:1.9:0.65:0.65 M569 P0 S0 T1.9:1.9:0.65:0.65
LV8729 0.5:0.5:0.5:0.5 M569 P0 S0 T0.5:0.5:0.5:0.5
THB6128 0.5:0.5:0.5:0.5 M569 P0 S0 T0.5:0.5:0.5:0.5
TMC220x   M569 P0 S0
TMC222x   M569 P0 S0