These instructions will help you to get started running RepRapFirmware on your LPC or STM32 based 3D printer board


Welcome to the RepRapFirmware on LPC and STM32 boards.
This software is a port of the open source RepRapFirmware produced by Duet3D for their Duet range of boards.
The LPC port was originally created by sadvi. Support for LPC boards was dropped after RRF 3.3.0_16.

Latest Firmware Versions

Latest Stable STM32F4 and STM32H7 Build

The latest stable version is 3.5.3

Latest Unstable STM32F4, STM32H7 and STM32H723 Build

The latest unstable version is 3.6.0-beta.1

Latest Stable LPC Build

The latest stable version is 3.3.0_16

Please note that 3.3.X will be the last release for LPC boards.

Latest WiFi Firmware Versions

Latest Stable

The latest stable WiFi firmware version is 2.1.0

Latest Unstable

There are currently no unstable versions.

Latest H7 bootloader

Latest Stable H7 Bootloader

The latest stable bootloader version is 1.0.3

Latest Unstable H7 Bootloader

There currently isn’t an unstable build available


TeamGloomy are working in close partnership with Flymaker/Mellow to ensure that 100% compatibility is obtained with their boards and to cover all of your 3D printer electronics requirements.


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